Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Team Zissou Gathers: TMBC09!

Rob had an awesome birthday party that gave me an excuse to pull on the Captain's Speedos again.

After conferring with my Junior Frogman, we agreed to issue the following statement:

Team Zissou is proud to announce the acceptance of applications for our special "Weekend Intern" program. This special opportunity will be run for one session only this year, during the 2009 Tidewater Mountain Bike Challenge (10/31 & 11/1?). Unfortunately, due to Operation Hennessey hogging all of the grant money, Team Zissou will be unable to provide free registration for TMBC09. However, all Team Zissou members will be issued a t shirt and red cap. In 2008 Team Zissou was the top, maritime-themed team in the Duo-Enduro Category at the Tidewater Mountain Bike Challenge. Team Zissou seeks to continue its dominance of the Duo-Enduro category over all rivals, including Operation Hennessey. (It is rumored that Operation Hennessey will challenge Team Zissou if they are able to find matching bicycles.) In addition to racing interns, Team Zissou also has openings for support staff, up to and including Continuity Editors and Topless Interns. Please forward letters of interest, curriculum vitae and self-portraits to friendwes_at_mac.com.

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