I'm glad that Bike Snob was able to take the time to count the teeth on my chainrings, something I haven't bothered to do myself. For the record, it's a touring setup- 36 teeth to get up the hill slow & easy, and 54 teeth to scream down the hills...
Thanks go out to Rob for giving me the heads up! Initially I was aquiver with fear & loathing to hear that I had made it onto Bike Snob. Luckily, though, he wasn't ripping me for a lame attempt at appearing tough...

As for "toughness," try randonneuring.
Boston-Montreal-Boston? Paris-Brest-Paris? London-Edinburgh-London?
Twelve hundred kilometers in less than ninety hours?
Now that's tough.

Boston-Montreal-Boston? Paris-Brest-Paris? London-Edinburgh-London?
Twelve hundred kilometers in less than ninety hours?
Now that's tough.
1 comment:
I don't know, Wes. He seems to be calling you out for the giant chain ring. Still it's kind of cool to see yourself on BikeSnob. As for randonneuring being tough, I think it crosses over at some point after the first day into just plain nuts.
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